Energy-saving ball mill for grinding all kinds of ore and other materials |
Sexual characteristics
1, ball mill starting current low starting time short start flexible. The normal operating current decreased by 20% -30% to achieve the purpose of saving;
2, than the ordinary ball mill significantly reduce the power of the original motor to reduce installed capacity to enhance the work efficiency to reduce reactive power loss;
3, make full use of surplus motor capacity and improve the liner structure can increase production 5% -7%;
4, the ball mill to change the sliding bearing not only the bearing capacity of large long service life than the sliding bearing life can be increased more than 5;
5, to reduce the amount of maintenance of the main ball mill to improve the health of the environment without grease pollution;
6, the ball mill using glycerol lubrication series minus the fuel station facilities and motor power to reduce fuel consumption in 80% -90%;
7, the ball mill main bearing the normal life of 8-13 years;
8, to reduce the ball mill due to high temperature sliding bearing downtime and the main bearing bush caused by shutdown of production problems.
The main internal structure of ball mill
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The Wearable Parts of Ball Mill and the Protective Measures
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SBE series of energy-saving ball mill
The ball mill main bearing lubrication
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