
Ball mill grinding process

Ball mill grinding process is usually used in steel balls and other grinding media between the extrusion force and friction force to grind the material, in iron ore, gold ore, copper ore grinding, and metal smelting, ceramic products, fine Chemical industry, cement production line, power station and other industries, the ball mill can be used to grind and milling operation, but the ball mill long-term existence of high energy consumption, steel wear fast, grinding low efficiency. Influence of mineral processing equipment ball mill efficiency of the main reasons for what? How do these reasons arise? How to improve the efficiency of mineral processing equipment ball mill as follows?
Ball mill grinding process

  1, grinding the level of matching and loading the number of quality and unreasonable, not according to the special nature of different materials in accordance with local conditions, select the grinding body size and loading capacity, resulting in low output coefficient of ball mill equipment (output coefficient = output / load) 0.3 to 0.9.
  2, ore grinding process is not required according to their grading energy grading treatment, to achieve maximum utilization of grinding energy.
  3, different physical properties and chemical properties of the material mixed with grinding, the material is not selected in the debris and large bulk materials with large, such as coal mixed with stones and so on.
To improve the grinding efficiency of ball mill methods and concepts 1, optimize the ball and other grinding body grading and loading: According to the specific circumstances of the particle size distribution of materials, grinding power required for the impact of particle size and export demand, the development of different specifications grinding body The shape, size and loading capacity, improve the grinding speed. 2, optimize the processing equipment and grinding mill lining plate design process and place the form to achieve grading operations: According to different size materials in the mill grinding process of movement, by improving the combination and operation of the liner to enhance the ball grinding The body to throw the drop, the highest impact point, so that grinding along the mill along the length of the direction of the size distribution of materials by way of self-regulation of positive classification, to achieve maximum energy supply play a role

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