
Energy - saving ball mill price

Ball mill in the ball on the crushing effect of mineral particles with a random, that is, steel balls and ore particles in the mill movement, the ball falling or rolling process may encounter mineral particles. But also may not touch the mineral particles, steel balls and mineral particles collided is random; and even if the ball hit the mineral particles, but whether crushing behavior is random, and only in the ball hit it suitable for crushing the mineral particles Crushing behavior may occur when the ball can not break the energy carried by the mineral particles, broken behavior can not occur.
  From the crushing process, we can see that the probability of occurrence of ore crushing depends on the probability of ball collision probability to ore particles and the probability of particle breakage after collision between steel balls and ore particles. The former depends on the number of balls and the solid fraction of the mineral aggregate in the slurry; the latter depends on the energy carried by the steel ball and other influencing factors , In which the energy carried by the ball is generally determined by the ball's diameter, that is, only greater than a certain diameter of the ball to break a certain size of the ore particles, other factors include a variety of, such as the collision Direction, mineral particle size and so on.
Energy - saving ball mill price

  Mill in only one ball to grinding the situation will not exist. As the ball in the grinding process of gradual wear and tear, even if the mill installed and added are a diameter of the ball, the mill will also run after the formation of different ball diameter mixed ball group. Different diameter of the ball will reduce the accumulation of gaps, is conducive to grinding. And the mill particles also showed a certain distribution of energy-saving ball mill, especially in terms of coarse grinding, particle size range of up to 25-Omm or even wider. A certain ball diameter of the ball in terms of a group of mineral particles is * ball diameter energy-saving ball mill offer, the particle size of the other particles may not. Therefore, in the grinding generally require different ball diameter ratio of the mixed ball group, in order to achieve * grinding effect.
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