
The main installation steps of cement ball mill

The main installation steps of the cement ball mill are: double sliding bearing, compared with the same size of the hollow shaft mill, sliding shoe bearing mill has a high strength mill mill, ball mill, stability, ceramic roller mill, Advantages, it is the entire 1.2 million tons of cement grinding line sub-project of the main equipment, therefore, in the entire process, is very important. Therefore, the installation must be particularly careful, careful construction, the use of scientific construction methods and advanced technology testing methods, strictly to each of the quality of the installation process, can ensure its high quality and efficient long-term stability.
The main installation steps of cement ball mill
1. Basic acceptance. Prepare the equipment for installation and carefully examine foundation conditions. This is the first process, but also the most basic processes. 2. Standard board embedded and the basic crossed work, building ceramic ball mill, cement ball mill assembly for the measurement of good size, which is one of the preparatory work. 3. Check the equipment out of the library, ceramic continuous ball mill, in addition to the equipment for the usual test, but also focus on checking the sliding shoe bearing sleeve and the mill body slip ring contact. 4. Install the sliding bearing. Install the base first, then tighten the anchor bolts. 5. Assembly and commissioning. Installed after the sliding bearing, the other components assembled, must also carry out a lot of debugging equipment in order to carry out grinding operations.
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